
Our product EasyIAPeasy (rated 5 stars and with over 65 copies sold already) automates all the setup of in-app purchases for you, offers simple code for integrating functions into your UI, and ensures you have a selection of easily-recognisable global variables to then call throughout your game. EasyIAPeasy supports every marketplace GM: Studio does.

Contact us if you'd like to have EasyIAPeasy integrated by us into your current project. Let us know if you already own EasyIAPeasy or not. how many IAPs you want supported and on how many platforms, whether you want us to hook up your in-game buttons and handle the purchase actions (giving of rewards) for you also, and whether you'd like us to handle creating your IAP listings on your various marketplace control panels or if you will supply us with a list of IDs for pre-made products, and we'll quote you a competitive price.

Note that we don't do integration with custom payment servers and we won't write any servers for you either.

.The EasyIAPeasy demo is published on Google Play, Amazon and WP8 marketplaces, so you can even "try before you buy"!

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