
darkland rpg engine

HD Production

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**** Do not buy it at here because I can not upload. If you want you should buy it at: https://hd-production.itch.io/darkland-rpg-engine

This is a big project (game completed) and it will become your best start for your own RPG games! There are many features that I'm sure you never saw the rpg engine better than it before in marketplace. This is a high quality engine runs on PC and mobile platform. GMS 1.4 and GMS 2 compatible.

+Character has many animation with many state: idle, run, attack and die.

  • Pick up and drop items. + Many kinds of items: knife, baseball bat, gun, bomb.. + The weather: raining...

  • Enemies (AI) has many states: Idle, follow, attack and death (with all animations). ++++++ Saving and loading game (this is special: saving all information of character, items and saving your rooms. There are many rooms). + Level, Xp ...

  • Gold, gem...

  • Quest, get reward.

  • Talk with NPC

  • Buy and sell items with NPC shops.

  • Inventory and chest.

+Night and day cycle.

  • many types of enemies: normal, boss, king...

+For each enemy has many types: soldier, archer, knight.

  • cave and travel another room.

  • Enemy drop random items (food) + Many enemies: enemies, boss enemies...

  • Collect items and weapons + Equips all items with the animation of character.

  • Many rooms (with the big world map for selection room) + The flash screen, including: transition, logo, intro... and many things that I can not say enough.

In short: everything you need about RPG games is all in this project

Graphical assets may not be redistributed, or re-used in a free or commercial product (all graphical are not mine so you can not use it). Source code may be used freely.

More information you can see it at here: https://forum.yoyogames.com/index.php?threads/darkland-2d-rpg-game.61981/ Hope you will find any things that you want to do your project.

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 12+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published May 27, 2019

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