
The Mash Engine


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The Mash Engine is a 2D side-scrolling platforming engine made up of scripts and objects made to SPEED UP development time SIGNIFICANTLY! Spend less time wrestling code and spend more time focused on DESIGN!

It works by creating "Entities," which are your characters including players and enemies. Using a simple script, they can interact with "Solids," an object to dictate collision. Customization is easy with editable values, scripts, and a "can_" system that allows you to customize your character's abilities.

Included in the project is several example objects and rooms that show how scripts and object work with each other to easily make everything work. You can play it online now, here! http://www.masharcade.com/MashEngine

This is simply "Episode 0" of the Mash Engine, with many, many more updates to come. Future episodes will include new block-types, scripts, and functions! Tutorials to come!

Episode 0 Includes:

  • Pixel-perfect collisions.
  • Slopes, solids, moving solids, sagging solids, and jumpthrough platforms, each with custom behaviors.
  • A "sensor" object that detects when an Entity has passed through itself.
  • Enemies and NPCs, both of which you can interact with.
  • A custom animation system.
  • Several customizable "can_" scripts that give abilities and control to Entities. ...and MORE!

note While you are free to edit and learn from The Mash Engine's coding and scripts, they may be updated at any time to add functionality. If you edit the inner workings of the scripts and/or objects, your additional coding may be overwritten by a future update.

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: None


GMS1 - Version 1.0.2. Published October 2, 2014

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