
Pathfinding Compression easy

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Update 1.2.0 Version

What is new - Image for example, object testing , room testing

- Add new function pathf_add_avoid() , pathf_remove_avoid() A simple PathFinding_AI , you can use script function make ai to avoid object in your game terrain easy by easy and script low cost.

This is my archive all Technic knowledge game maker in one.


*Use script just 2 line

*Low cost to calculate

*Can set self position to move and set self speed movement

*Can set self rotate speed movement ( Do not use mp_potential_settings() function )

*Can set range to stop ( some game want it as AI stop in range to shooting)

*Can fix setting calculate using AI ( It use some computer low CPU processing 1 = maximum using / 100 = lowest)

How to Use


 pathf_create(  grid size , object avoid );


 pathf_step( position X,  position Y , Speed , Range to stop , Rotate speed,  Calculate Using ( 1 = maximum using  /  100 = lowest ) );

Thank for Interested

More info

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: None


GMS1 - Version 1.2.0. Published February 5, 2015

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