
Ambient AI

Kanelbull3 Studios

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A simple Ambiant AI extension that lets you create groups with objects following a leader and randomly moving around in an area.

With these scripts, you can easily create a leader and then assign any of your currently existing objects to follow that leader.

All code are documented and all scripts contains explanation of what they do and what all arguments means.


ambient_group_create() - Creates a new group and assigns a leader to it.

ambient_group_add() - Adds one or many objects to a group.

ambient_group_destroy() - Destroys the leader and, if specified, the objects following that leader.

ambient_group_exists() - Checks if a group exists.

ambient_get_leader() - Gives the leader object of a specified group.

ambient_get_leader_object() - Gives the leader object of a specified group which a specified object is following.

ambient_set_settings() - Sets settings for a specified group.

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: None


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published June 27, 2016

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