
Platform Runner Engine


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This asset is no longer being supported or worked on, but should still work in GMS1 and 2 as a learning resource

Platform Runner Engine is a framework which allows you to create infinite procedurally generated platformer levels.

The engine supports keyboard controls, & touch/swipe controls.

The code is clean and well commented, explaining how each part of the engine works. The engine is cross-platform compatible.


  • Infinite procedural level generation
  • Pixel-perfect platformer collisions
  • Slopes
  • Wall-jumping
  • Smooth camera movement
  • Simple enemies and obstacles
  • Parallax background layers

Windows Demo


Check out my other assets here: https://marketplace.yoyogames.com/publishers/584/rupert-reckless

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: None


GMS1 - Version 1.0.3. Published April 9, 2016

  • Fixed "incorrect type" error
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